If you have recently become obsessed with the idea of camping and you are beginning to plan your first outing, you surely know there is a lot to learn. Not only do you have to make sure that you have taken care of all of the basic preparations like packing enough food and water but you also have to think of dozens of tiny details that, if forgotten, could ruin your entire camping trip. As the camping experts at Jellystone of Estes Park, we know all of the secrets that camping experts use to make sure their trips to campgrounds and camping sites alike, go off without a hitch.

TIP 1: MAKE SURE TO BUDGET.dreamstime_xxl_39014208

We’re not talking about money…although that may be a good idea too! Make sure that if you are going on a camping trip for a week or more that you plan appropriately. This means making sure you budget the amount of food and water you will need each day, as well as first aid supplies and anything else that without which, you may be in trouble.


Secondly, be sure you have everything you will need to survive. These are your three basic needs: food, water and shelter. Additionally, pack a flashlight and extra batteries and several changes of clothes for layering.


When you first get the camping bug, your first instinct may be to run out and buy the first gear you see. We wouldn’t recommend that. Ask friends who have camping experience what the best equipment they own is and then base your decisions off of their responses.
Whatever you do, make sure to enjoy your camping trip and be safe!