So you want to get your kids out of the house for a week or weekend and you’re not really sure what to expect. Well, if it is your children’s first camping trip, it is sure to cause a shock to their system. After all, kids these days are all about electronics, and in nature they will not have access to their phones or video game consoles. Camping is definitely a teachable event, however, and if you are worried about how your kids are going to respond to spending an extended amount of time outdoors, we can help.

BORROW EVERYTHING YOU WILL NEEDdreamstime_xxl_23503472

While you may want to go ahead and purchase everything for this camping trip and every one to come, you may want to hold off until you see how your kids feel about the entire camping experience. If you were considering buying a brand new tent or other expensive gear, ask a neighbor or friend if they would be willing to help you out by allowing your family to borrow their camping equipment.


Let’s be honest, kids can be reckless at times and chances are when they are outside for an extended amount of time, they are going to get a scrape or bruise. Always be prepared for accidents to occur. Most of the injuries kids get while camping can easily be cleaned and bandaged but in the case of not having a first aid kit, a simple scratch could cause you to have to cut your trip short.


If a normal Saturday night at your home includes the entire family sitting down in front of the tv for dinner and movie, try to switch things up during your camping trip. Something like looking at the constellations is not only fun for kids but it is also educational. Use your camping experience as an opportunity to teach more to your kids, as well as learn more about them.


If you truly want your kiddos to fall in love with camping, you should make sure their first camping trip is at a campground with many amenities. Too much nature at once may cause your kids to hate camping (which is the last thing you want). By taking them to a wonderful campground with plenty of fun activities like Jellystone at Estes Park, you can ensure they will want to spend many weekends to come exploring the outdoors with you.

Jellystone of Estes Park is a beautiful campsite set in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. With plenty of activities like horse riding, swimming, karaoke, crafts and more, your kiddos are sure to enjoy every second you all spend at our park. A truly breathtaking view and plenty of hiking trails so you and your entire family can get back to nature and experience a new sense of family togetherness. Visit our website today or call our office for more information regarding reservations for summer 2016!